Mittwoch, 2. April 2008

how do you

i was really bored at work so i decided to be a bit pointless and self-absorbed.
here're the results, yay. yawn.

choose a band/artist and answer only in song titles by that band: tiamat
  • are you male or female: gaia
  • describe yourself: kaleidoscope
  • how do some people feel about you: the whores of babylon
  • how do you feel about yourself: devided
  • describe your ex boyfriend: prey
  • describe your current boyfriend: do you dream of me?
  • describe where you want to be: a deeper kind of slumber
  • describe what you want to be: fireflower
  • describe how you live: too far gone
  • describe how you love: wildhoney
  • share a few words of wisdom: love is as good as soma
the questions were found somewhere at www.
seriously interested in your answers.
and forgive me for the english crap/crap english.
dunno what that meant for.

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warm und licht und plüschig



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